JACET 言語教師認知研究会 研究集録

Language Teacher Cognition Research Bulletin

ONLINE ISSN 2186-7585

Language Teacher Cognition Research Bulletin is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the JACET SIG on Language Teacher Cognition. We encourage SIG members to submit full-length articles and research reports (or research notes of a practical nature to share findings and insights) that have been previously presented at our SIG research meetings/conferences (within two years).


Research areas of particular interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

    - language teacher cognition
    - language teacher emotions
    - teacher research
    - reflective practices
    - teacher development
    - teacher education
    - Overviews of research and practice in related             fields

The authors are requested to follow the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

LTC Research Bulletin 2023 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・Exploring the Overseas EFL Teacher Training Program from Instructors’ Perspectives (Yuka Kurihara)

・My Perezhivaniya as a Collectividual (Ryo Moriya)
・国際医療福祉大学成田キャンパスにおける英語授業のリフレクティブ・プラクティス (登道孝浩)
LTC Research Bulletin 2023.pdf
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LTC Research Bulletin 2019 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・What Does an Overseas Teacher Education Program Offer to EFL Professionals?: Exploring the Program from Insiders’ Perspectives (Yuka Kurihara)
・The Use of Frameworks with Video to Foster Reflective Practice in Pre-service Teacher Training in an EFL Environment (Robert MacIntyre)
LTC Research Bulletin 2019.pdf
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LTC Research Bulletin 2018 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・Knowledge of Learners in Expert Second Language Teaching (Mayumi Asaba)
・Development and Assessment of Intercultural Communicative Competences of Primary Students in Informal Learning Contexts (Larisa Kasumagić Kafedžić, Paula Pickering, Alma Žero, & Jason Nagel)
・大学と大学院の連携による教員養成モデル:教師教育者、教員、学生三者の発達を目指して (渡辺 敦子・岩田 祐子・宮原 万寿子)
LTC Research Bulletin 2018.pdf
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LTC Research Bulletin 2017 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・Editorial: Student teachers’ cognitions on learning disabilities (Shigeru Sasajima)
・Sociocognitive Alignment in an EFL Classroom: A Multimodal Analysis of an Experienced Teacher’s Practices (Takako Nishino)
・Changing Views of EFL Teaching and Its Impact on Japanese English Teachers’ Professional Development (Yuka Kurihara)
・EFL Teachers’ Interests and Beliefs as Determiners of Their Instructional Decisions in the Teaching of Pronunciation (Katsuya Yokomoto)
・Exploring a Way of Incorporating a Japanese High School Teacher’ Belief about English Teaching into Practice (Ami Yamauchi)
・教員養成スタンダードの視点に立った英語科教職課程履修生の学び:非教員養成系・私立大学における省察と当事者の語りを手がかりに(伊東 弥香)
LTC Research Bulletin 2017.pdf
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LTC Research Bulletin 2016 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・Cognition and Language-in-Education Policy Implementation in Japan: New Perspectives in Teachers’ Interpretations of the Senior High School Course of Study (Gregory Paul Glasgow)
・Towards the Integration of Grammar Teaching with Communicative Work: A Case Study of a Japanese Senior High School English Teacher (Paul Underwood)
・Japanese teacher and assistant teacher accounts of primary-secondary links in English education (Sean Mahoney)
・Critical inquiry into critical reflection: Situated in the Japanese context (Atsuko Watanabe)
・Second language poetry writing as reflective practice: A poetic inquiry into a pre-service teacher’s experience of English language learning (Atsushi Iida)
・Interviewing CLIL lecturers in Japan: Different Discourses (Keiko Tsuchiya)
・A Teacher Development Program for Primary English Teachers in Italy: A Blended Approach to Learning English and Language Teaching Methodology (Noriko Ishihara & Cristina Richieri)
LTC Research Bulletin 2016.pdf
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LTC Research Bulletin 2015 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・[巻頭特別論考] 教職とは何か? (笹島 茂)
・PAC 分析を利用した小学校外国語活動指導観の可視化:英語教育専攻学生の分析を中心に(志村 昭暢)
・小学校外国語活動における教師の Codeswitching:L1 使用に着目して(長田 恵理)
・教員としての自己:事例研究に基づく省察(林 千賀)
・Enhancing English Teaching through Teacher Collaboration: Case Studies of Secondary
School Teachers in Japan (Yuka KURIHARA and Masataka KASAI)
・Effect of Student Self-reflection on Teacher Motivation (Chie TSUZUKI)
・A Case Study of a Feminist EFL Teacher’s Belief and Practice (Reiko YOSHIHARA)
・A comparative study of Non-native English speaking teachers’ and learners’ beliefs
about the “ALL ENGLISH” class (Ikuko UENO)
・Teachers’ Classroom Practices regarding Global Awareness: A Case Study of Three
Native Speakers of English (Hongtao JING)
LTC Research Bulletin 2015.pdf
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LTC Research Bulletin 2014 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・Implementing Research Orientation and Integrating Curriculum in Teacher
Education: A Case Example of Foreign Language Teacher Education in a Finnish
University (Riitta JAATINEN)
・Emerging Self-Identities: Foreign Language Learning, Experiential Capital and
Emotions- A Narrative Oriented Study (Masuko MIYAHARA)
・Practical Activities Based on Students’ Personality (Masa TSUNEYASU)
・A Brief Introduction to Cooperative Learning for English Teachers (Kumiko FUSHINO)
・英語科教員養成における省察の意味とは何か(髙木 亜希子)
・授業研究における教師の学習過程:授業後協議会に着目して(坂本 篤史)
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LTC Research Bulletin 2013 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・言語教師認知研究の進め方についての可能性:英語教師のこころの探求として(笹島 茂)
・言語教室における Teacher Gesture の考察:足場掛けの視点から(草薙 優加)
・The Nature of Classroom Discourse in Contextually Appropriate Communicative Language Teaching: A case study of Japanese pre-service teachers in Thailand (James M. Hall)
・Modeling Japanese High School Teachers’ Beliefs Regarding Communicative Language Teaching (Takako Nishino)
・A Comparative Study of the Corpora for General and Specific Purposes for a Pragmatic Study (Toshihiko Suzuki)
・Teachers’ reflective learning through a teacher study group: Teachers’ beliefs of task-based language teaching (Chie Ogawa)
・The use of J-POSTL in pre-service teacher education (Akiko Fujii)
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LTC Research Bulletin 2012 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・Tatemae as rapport building in interviews in the Japanese context (Atsuko Watanabe)
・学習者から見た「良き英語教師」(池田 真)
・教員養成課程の大学生と中学校・高等学校英語教師の言語教師認知の比較研究(志村 昭暢)
・小学校教師が抱く理想の外国語教師像:学習者信条・学習動機の影響(中村 香恵子)
・第2言語学習者の語彙処理過程に関する研究:脳機能画像法による検証(千葉 克裕)
・Exploring Japanese EFL Teachers’ Post-Training Experiences (Yuka Kurihara)
・Identity Research: Using Narratives in Language Learning Research (Masuko Miyahara)
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LTC Research Bulletin 2011 [ISSN 2186-7585]
・高等学校英語教員の授業実践に資する能力についての考察現職英語教員へのインタビュー調査から(江原 美明)
・教育実習生の成長及び認知(長嶺 寿宣)
・戦前の英語中等教員に関する養成・供給ルートと英語教授法の扱いについて(古家 貴雄)
・なぜ日本の英語教師は授業をむずかしいと考えるのか?(笹島 茂)
・校内研修に役立つ教室内英語評価尺度(中田 賀之・長沼 君主・池野 修・木村 裕三)
LTC Research Bulletin 2011.pdf
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